

History Of St. John's Nursery & Primary School

The Congregation of the presentation Sisters was founded in India in the year 1842. Since then, they have been working in Chennai and other parts of India.

In 1883 soon after the Bombay Madras Railway line was laid and the Buckingham and Carnatic Mills established, it was found necessary to open a school at Perambur to carter to the education of the children. The Most Rev. Fr. J. Allen, the Archbishop of Madras, as Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Perambur, was the Manager of the school, which was then attached to the Church.


"FOR FAITH AND MORALS" is the heart of everything we do at this school. We aim to not just impact knowledge but also to inculcate in our children wisdom, compassion and humanitarian spirit. It was Magaret Mead who said, ‘’ Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. ‘’We enable this through a holistic approach to motivate the weak, address the average and challenge the gifted.

A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents, blend harmoniously to create a child- centric school. It’s natural to find in this ambience, the intensive use of a variety of thinking activities, strategies and group dynamics so that the class become active. Team work is a hallmark of St. John’s. I am very sure through collaborative effort, we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the leaders of tomorrow.


Greetings and good wishes to all

I draw upon my many years of educational experience and with the support of an amazing correspondent Sr. Margaret and a dedicated staff of caring talented educations, to create a unique educational environment specially tailored for our youngest scholars.
Our institution is at the forefront of early childhood educational development. Our learning environment creatively meets the specific needs of each child. While allowing all students to come together for a cross-cultural experience that develops their social skills. We provide a happy and safe environment within which our students can experience opportunities inside the classroom and beyond.


‘’Children learn more from what you are than what you teach -‘‘W.E.B Dubois.

On behalf of the staff and children, I am delighted to welcome you to St. John’s website. St. John’s Nursery and Primary School was started in 1953 with a vision to focus on the all rounded development of every child in our care. Our students continue to be at the heart of everything we do. At St. John’s we value academic excellence, we do it by creating a fun, stress- free learning environment. More importantly, we focus on the social and emotional well-being of every child by providing a warm, friendly place where children feel happy, confident and valued.

We believe that children have amazing potential and through the school year they are presented with many opportunities in music, sport and whole school performances that lets them show case their many different talents. St. John’s Mission is made possible by a team of highly committed teaching and non-teaching staff. Together we work with the children as they grow towards becoming responsible members of the community.



8.25 A.M


8.25 A.M to 12.45 P.M


12.45 P.M - 1.20 P.M


1.20 P.M - 3.20 P.M

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